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The Grown & Gathered book has been published in the USA, UK and EU via Gingko Press!
USA customers can purchase here, UK customers head here and EU customers here.

The Grown & Gathered Book
Sale Price: A$36.00 Original Price: A$45.00

Our first book, Grown & Gathered, is a practical guide to traditional living in a modern world. It's full of all the skills that we feel are essential to living well, is super easy to follow, practical and achievable for everyday living for absolutely anyone, anywhere.

It includes our entire body of shared knowledge about all the things we do, know, and believe in - living with the seasons, growing, gathering, raising animals, trading, cooking, preserving and eating!

If you believe in living thoughtfully, knowing where your food comes from and prioritising health, food, family, friends and fun – then this book is for you. We hope with everything that you love it as much as we loved making it for you. 

The Village Book
Sale Price: A$36.00 Original Price: A$45.00

We bring you The Village, our second book. A book that is about nurturing and being nurtured; it’s about growing, cooking and eating together; it’s about local, traditional food made from whole, natural ingredients. It’s about the laughter, the play, the chaos and the mess that comes with being human.

And it’s for everyone who wants to embrace life in all its fullness and celebrate their village, whatever form that takes.

In The Village, we share the skills you need to grow, preserve and prepare an abundance of nourishing food to share with your village—whoever that is for you. We focus on the life-giving value of growing, cooking and eating with your village.